Our Values Drive Our Work
We strive to be the debt collection agency of choice. To do this, we are dedicated to our core values of integrity and trust, and bring that to every interaction with our clients and consumers. Our commitment to client excellence has remained unchanged for over a decade: ​
Continue to achieve recoveries higher than our competitors.
Achieve excellence in servicing the needs of each individual client.
Consistently maintain the highest level of ethical standards.
Insist on fair treatment for all employees in a challenging work environment in which they have equal opportunity to achieve their individual goals.
Maintain our commitment to quality and continue to improve our recovery processes along with quality of service provided to our clients.
Our business philosophy is based upon our fundamental belief that quality service comes from being sensitive to our clients’ needs. This means going well beyond the obvious needs of recovering past-due receivables. It means understanding the need for taking a sensitive approach to public relations, to maintain a positive and constructive approach to the recovery process, and to always maintain a professional attitude will working with our clients' consumers.
Our Team
Our team brings industry expertise and customer obsession to your business. In fact, our employees have an average industry tenure of over 15 years.
Jill Bjornaa Rose, founder and president, plays a role in industry legislation and mentorship.